Sunday, July 27, 2008


YEAH GAMES!!! This past Thursday was a day of much laughing and fun. Due to popular demand we had a game night. I'm sorry those who didn't get to come, it was a lot of fun. We played a game, which I'm not quite sure of the name, but it involves a little bit of acting, which always makes for a good laugh.

During our fine pot luck dinner the idea of possible worship nights, and other games nights
on some nights was thrown out there. And to that we think it would be awesome. If any one has any ideas lets do them.

Looking forward to Thursday. Until then Grace and peace.


Friday, July 18, 2008

last night even though the heat was at insane levels, we popped in the air conditioner and packed into my house for food and fellowship. and it turned out to be an really good and encouraging time. i full on think that God is moving in bigger ways than we think, and i hope that as the weeks go on that we will find ways to support, love and encourage each other more and more in our journey's with jesus.

chris' parents were in town last night and shared about what God is doing in zambia. i know for me, it was awesome to see what's going on and it made me want to plug in more and let god work through me here in philadelphia.

one of the things that the book of james says is that pure and true religion is to care for the widows and orphans. Isn't that crazy? It's about how we live our lives. How do we walk out in that as a community, and what keeps us from loving others?

Alright guys... talk to you again soon.

Grace and Peace


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Stones of Rememberance

Our last meeting, even with out the aid of air conditioning, proved to be awesome time of gathering together around the table, telling the stories of God's beautiful work and faithfulness in our lives. All throughout the early books of the Bible, after the Lord had done something great, God's people would build an alter made of stone. So that when they saw this pile of boulders, or when their children would ask them about it, they would remember God and His works, and of His promises to his people. It is good to remember, and sometimes it is good to take a step back and see what God has been doing all along. So that we don't forget the Story and where we it is going, and as God's people how we are supposed to live.

This next Thursday we will be meeting up in Fishtown. I will be back to post up the specifics later tonight, but until then, Grace and peace.
