Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's been a while

This past Thursday we had a pretty cool conversation. We discussed the idea of being sent, and what that looks like for us. We compared more traditional views of "being sent", such as overseas missions, too where we are today in Philadelphia and what it means for us to be sent daily. We had quite a large pool of views to pull from, and to help balance each other out. Views ranging from living overseas and having missionaries come to your people, to being the missionary who was sent over seas and living among other people. We have people in our crew who wrestle with the idea of short term missions, and people who have worked for years with organizations that send you short term all over the world.

As the conversations continued, we decided that we need to ask ourselves, what is our purpose.

Why are we at our jobs? Is it just to pay the bills and to give money to christian organizations and churches, or is there more?

Why do we live in the communities that we do? Is it because it's comfortable, close, and cheap, or is it because we have an amazing opportunity to discover Christ in our neighbor by loving them.

I am really excited with the direction that God is leading us. How he is growing us, and what he is calling us into. I am stoked that the creator of the universe has invited us, as a small community, each being apart of other communities, to take part in his world redemption plan.

I listened to a teaching a while back, and thought I would share it with everyone. It is a bit long, I know, I have a habit of doing that, posting really long teachings, but it is well worth listening too.

I would love to hear your thoughts on it once you give it a listening too.

Joe Ferrante's Teaching

Let's as a community and as individuals wrestle out what our purpose is every day of every week. Let's encourage each others to live the life we are called to live, and holding each other accountable to that. Let's continue to invite Christ and others to share in our lives as we pursue the Grace and Christ Jesus that brings us closer to His holiness daily!

Grace and peace every,

Thanks again for sharing life with me and let me share in yours with you.
