Monday, April 13, 2009


It seems as though I gave up blogging for lent...

I hope that everyone had an amazing Easter and was able to encounter our Resurrected Lord.

I know I say this all the time, but I truly appreciate all you who come and are apart of the Thursday night crew. Through out this year I encountered Jesus in deeper ways because of you guys and gals. In the time I have spent with you, I have been stirred to pursue Jesus in deeper ways and strive to figure out what an even deeper connection to Him looks like in my life. You have challenged me to count the cost that we must make in following Jesus.

Though our relationships I have parts of me that I didn't even know needing it, being resurrected with Christ.

In this post Resurrection season, let's continue to press into the person of Jesus, not forgetting who He is. Let's continue to invite him into the parts of our lives that need resurrecting. Let's invite Him into the communities we are in, to bring a fresh renewal. Let's support, challenge, and encourage one another in the love of our Lord, as we move forward

Thanks for journeying with me and letting me journey with you.

Grace and Peace,


Tom said...

And let's eat sushi together...

stepash said...